You will quickly be able to get anywhere with ease with a power scooter from Med-One Supply, Inc.
Scooter models are made with a longer battery life and greater off-road abilities so you can spend a day in the park with your grandchildren or easily navigate the grocery aisles by yourself. The scooter is ideal for you if you suffer from systematic or whole-body disabling conditions but can still sit uprights and control the steering.
These scooters are easy to use and encourage you to lift your arms while driving which will help with your breathing and posture. The seats automatically lock every 90 degrees, making transferring angles easy and safe. You also have the option of leaving the seat unlocked which allows you to swivel the seat at any time and promotes movement in the lower extremities.
Electric Mobility
Continue with your daily routine with these convenient scooters. They fit into your lifestyle perfectly and are easily portable so traveling is a breeze. Suspension and comfort seating gives you all day comfort while making it simple to get on and off.
Pride Mobility
You can really count on these scooters as they are engineered and factory tested to provide you with consistent high performance operation. They are constructed with the highest quality and are proven durable so they will last a long time. Not only are they durable, but they are also stylist so you can show off your personality with the sporty designs.
Golden Technologies
These scooters make purchasing a scooter an easy decision. They are specifically designed to provide you with the highest quality, comfort, style, and performance you can find. With a variety of models to choose from, you will find the perfect size, weight, portability, and accessories to fit your style and needs.